Pre-initialized LTO-9 NanoPure Media - shipping now

The initialization process on new LTO-9 media can take 30 minutes to 2 hours in some cases. NanoPure Media has been pre-initialized and can save you considerable time in preparing new media for backup.
Additionally, NanoPure Media™ is premium LTO media certified via our patent-pending NanoPure™ process. The NanoPure™ process cleans, tests, and calibrates every cartridge before first use, allowing users of any tape hardware brand to guarantee they are using the highest quality, most error-free media available. NanoPure features up to 40% better performance on first use due to lower error rates.
NanoPure™ is proven to perform faster and more reliably upon first use and reduce the impact new media has on the health of tape hardware systems. Each NanoPure™ cartridge is also part of the NanoPure™ Media Lifecycle Management (NMLM) solution.* NMLM enables the administrator to be proactively alerted to any changes in the health of the NanoPure™ cartridge after each use.
*Certain features available later this year